Saturday, May 21, 2011

Aadhaar and Punjab

THE Punjab Government is to be commended for being quick off the starting line and launching the Unique Identification Number (UID) project in the state. The project is appropriately termed Aadhaar and thus the UID would be the basis of all schemes for which the benefactors need to be identified. The UID card would be linked to the blue cards for BPL families, the ration card and the LPG connections, for starters. The state government has a major role to play in making sure that everyone is covered by the UID programme. Government officials at village level would have to ensure that everyone is identified, his or her data is recorded and the card issued.
Obviously, precautions must be taken not only to ensure that everyone is covered in the scheme, but also that no fraudulent cards are made. The UID Mission has taken elaborate measures that included biometric information of the card holder, including iris scan, finger prints and photographs besides the name, address, date of birth, etc. The UID is envisaged as the Multipurpose National Identity Card which is to lay the foundation of e-governance. It will be on the basis of the information collected while preparing this card that the government schemes will be better implemented and will benefit those who need the most help. Thus all National Rural Employment Guarantee Act payments would be made to the UID card holders’ account, thereby cutting out middle men. If the UID card is extended to the banking sector, it can also have a significant role in controlling black money. It will also help in accurately identifying patterns of movement of various people from different parts of the state.
The UID information can be of immense use and the Punjab government must ensure that the project is carried out accurately, transparently and according to its schedule so that the state is not only the first to start with the implementation of the UID programme, it also becomes the first to successfully conclude it.

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