Punjab and Uttar Pradesh are the joint winners of the Krishi Karman award for overall food grain production of more than 10 million tonnes recorded in the past five years, while Haryana has emerged as the winner for production of wheat. Krishi Karman awards are the first-ever awards being given to states for their effort and contribution towards raising the country’s food grain production.
According to the Agriculture Ministry statement, 10 states have been selected for the Krishi Karman awards for best performance. Three awards are being given for total food grain production and four awards for production of rice, wheat, coarse cereals and pulses - the crops constituting the food grain basket.
Punjab and Uttar Pradesh are the joint winners of the Krishi Karman award in the category of states with overall food grain production of more than 10 million tonnes recorded in the past five years.
Assam and Orissa are the winners in the category of states with overall food grain production between one and 10 million tonnes, while Tripura is the sole winner in the category of states with overall food grain production of less than one million tonnes.
In the second set of four awards, given for individual crops and crop groups, the award for rice goes to Chhattisgarh, wheat to Haryana, pulses to Maharashtra and Rajasthan and coarse cereals to Karnataka.
Each award-winning state gets a trophy, a citation and cash award. The cash award is Rs 2 crore for total food grain production and Rs 1 crore for each of the four crops included in food grains.
A selection committee headed by the agriculture and cooperation secretary assessed the performance of states against objective criteria that took into account production outcomes, implementation of crop production programmes and innovative approaches adopted for effective service delivery.
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