Thursday, August 18, 2011

Highlights of the Prime Minister’s Independence Address

·         Prime Minister cautions against “some people who want to create disturbances in the country so that our progress gets stalled”.   Prime Minister calls for understanding and restraint, otherwise our security and integrity can get adversely affected. Prime Minister vows that “we will not let this happen”.
 Prime Minister claims “we have provided political stability and socio and economic progress”.Prime Minister says this is time “to rise above personal or political interests and build consensus on issues of national importance”. Prime Ministers asserts that we have “established an environment of communal harmony in the country”.Prime Minister says his seven years have seen rapid economic development.·         Prime Minister says “we have taken a special care of the needs of our brothers and sisters from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Minorities, Women and Children”. Prime Minister promises food security legislation soon. Prime Minister says the country is full of “confidence and self-respect”.         Prime Minister acknowledges “corruption is a big obstacle in national transformation”. Prime Minister says corruption should be discussed in a manner that “should not create an atmosphere in which country’s progress comes into question”. Prime Minister urges that discussion on corruption should not distract from self-confidence.  Prime Minister asserts that “the government is taking strictest possible action in cases of corruption”. Prime Minister says “there is no single big step which we can take to eradicate corruption”. Prime Minister says corruption cannot be eradicated unless “we improve our justice delivery system”. Prime Minister asserts “we want strong Lokpal to prevent corruption in high places”. Prime Minister says no one “should resort to hunger strikes and fast-unto-death”. Prime Minister says nothing should be done to dilute independence of the judiciary. Prime Minister acknowledges “misuse of governmental discretion in allocation of scarce resources”.  Prime Minister says the Government working on measures to reduce corruption in government projects. Prime Minister says “government will lay down principles and practices with regard to government purchases”.  Prime Minister says no government has a “magic wand” to eradicate corruption. Prime Minister asserts “we have to fight against corruption on many fronts”.  Prime Minister compliments farmers on producing a record level food grains. Prime Minister says we need a second Green Revolution in Agriculture. Prime Minister acknowledges “a phase of sustained high inflation”. Prime Minister says “our government fully understands its responsibility to control rise in prices”. International markets fuel inflation in India.    Prime Minister says “finding a solution to inflation will be our top most priority in the coming months”.         Prime Minister says “land acquisition must be transparent and fair”.  Prime Minister says “government will establish a new Education Commission to suggest improvements in education at all levels”. Prime Minister wants 12th Five Year Plan to focus on health. Prime Minister says investment in infrastructure has grown more than 1 1/2 times in the last seven years. Prime Minister says “we want to make India slum-free and the ownership of clean houses to slum dwellers”. Prime Minister says “malnutrition in women and children is a matter of concern for all of us”.  Prime Minister regrets “declining sex ratio and wants a change in approach towards girls and women”.  Prime Minister says we should not lower guard against terrorism; says it is a long battle to be fought jointly by the Central Government, State Governments and the citizens.  Prime Minister promises to eradicate the very reasons which gave rise to naxalism. Prime Minister warns against climate change and promises “an environmental assessment and monitoring authority to streamline the process of environmental clearances”.  Prime Minister acknowledges our younger generation’s higher aspirations and says our institutions should tap our people’s potential.  Prime Minister says “our entrepreneurs and business men should not feel constrained in their activities”. Prime Minister urges “we should all stay away from tactics that creates suspicion or apprehension among those connected with industry, business and investment.  Prime Minister says our development should not increase inequalities. Prime Minister says we have the collective capacities and the confidence to deal with tensions and conflicts in the society.

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